In this post, 3 components are to be introduced. They are respectively hotspot component, gauge component and waveform component. With the explanation of each component property, followed by a simple example, I believe you’ll quickly learn to use these components to design complex interfaces.

Hotspot Component

The hotspot component is used to create a detectable touch area. The hotspot attribute table is very simple, there are just 6 properties. With just a look, you’ll get their meanings, not to mention the explanation note below the table.

An Entry Application of Hotspot, Gauge and Waveform Component-1

You can design a hotspot to execute events when touching release. For example, design two hotspots, by touch releasing one hotspot, the page loads the next image, by touch releasing another, the page loads the last image. This realizes the image browsing effect that we often use.

Example:(Download hotspot example here)

Firstly, choose an image to be your background, we choose picture 0 here. Create a font. Then add two text components, we are going to make them indicating arrows. Below are the settings:

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Next, add two hotspot components to the background, drag and drop them to the desired area. Add another picture to the picture library. Then set the table cells as follows:

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Finally, select hotspot m0, then move on to the compiler window, select touch release event and input page0.pic=0 in User Code, as shown below. Similarly, select hotspot m1 and inputpage0.pic=1 in User Code.

An Entry Application of Hotspot, Gauge and Waveform Component-8

Compile and debug, you can click the left part or the right part of the image in the simulator. If everything is ok, you will successfully switch between the two background images. Effect demonstration video is at the end of this post.

Gauge Component

A gauge component is used to create a pointer, which is widely used in gauges.

Let’s first learn about its attribute table.

objname Component name, double click it to rename
vscope local: current page
global: a variable can be applied to other components on any page
sta solid color: solid color background
crop image: crop background image to achieve the transparent effect
bco Background color
val Initial angle(0-360)
wid The thickness of the pointer, maximum: 5
pc0 Pointer color
x Coordinate X
y Coordinate Y
w Component width, when dragging the component sideline to change the width, it gets changed accordingly
h Component height, when dragging the component sideline to change the height, it gets changed accordingly

Example:(Download the example here)

We are going to make a pointer whose angle can be adjusted by two buttons. So we’ll need one gauge component and two-button components. Here we go.

First of all, choose a picture to be our background. Then add a pointer component in the display area, drag and drop it to the desired position. And adjust the width and length by dragging the side line or by inputting w and h.

Here we set the component attribute table as follows:

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Next, add two button components. The properties are set as below:

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This is how the display window hopefully looks like:

You can see the example demonstration video at the end of this post.

Waveform Component

Waveform component is used to create a series of waveforms that can detect all kinds of hardware working status.

Below is the waveform component attribute table:

objname Component name, double click it to rename
sta crop image: crop background image to achieve the transparent effect
solid color: solid color background
image: component background is image
ch Number of channels, from 1 to 4
bco Background color
pic Background image
picc Background crop image(must be a full-screen image)
pco0 The foreground color of Channel 0
pco1 The foreground color of Channel 1
pco2 The foreground color of Channel 2
pco3 The foreground color of Channel 3
gdc Grid color
gdw Grid width (0=none)
gdh Grid height(0=none)
X Coordinate X
Y Coordinate Y
W Component width, when dragging the component sideline to change the width, it gets changed accordingly
H Component height, when dragging the component side line to change the height, it gets changed accordingly

Example:(Download this example from here)
In this example, we create a four-channel waveform component. The channels are in different colors. Below are the settings:

An Entry Application of Hotspot, Gauge and Waveform Component-14

Following picture is the how the waveform look like, download the source code, let mega2560 continuously output 4 channel value to plot the curves.  The demonstration video is at the end:

An Entry Application of Hotspot, Gauge and Waveform Component-15

Demonstration Video

The three examples’ effect can be demonstrated by the below video:

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